Manage fields like never before. Harvest greater profits with each hectare with xarvio FIELD MANAGER.
From seeding, nutrition to crop protection and harvest. xarvio FIELD MANAGER is not just another tool providing you with data. It advises with digital precision on “what to do”, “when to do it”, “where to do it” and with “how much”, at every job step throughout the season.
Just follow the purple dot
One-stop-shop for optimizing crop production.
Best farming tools integrated in one platform: xarvio FIELD MANAGER is one-stop shop for maximizing in-field profits through data driven and technology enabled practices.
Just one click away.
What can xarvio FIELD MANAGER help you with?

What can xarvio FIELD MANAGER help you with?

No more data-extensive and time-consuming work.
xarvio FIELD MANAGER helps you create expert level variable seeding maps in less than a minute, recommending precisely what to sow, where to sow it and at what density.

Increase yield and save money by optimizing the distribution of fertilizers.
xarvio FIELD MANAGER combines growth stage modelling, weather & satellite data, along with field history, to take your nutrient management to the next level.

Crop Protection
Say goodbye to uncertainties. xarvio FIELD MANAGER helps you make better treatment decisions, telling you what, when, where to treat and with how much while enhancing precision, efficiency, sustainability and overall crop health.
Data Management and Analytics
All you need in one place
Best farming tools integrated in one place. With xarvio FIELD MANAGER you receive, upload and analyze all field-zone specific information in one place: from weather forecasts to historical data, from current biomass to the condition of your soils.

The transfer is two way - application maps from xarvio FIELD MANAGER to machines and as - applied/ yield maps back from machine to xarvio FIELD MANAGER.
An investment for the most successful harvest yet
xarvio FIELD MANAGER really pays off - under normal weather conditions, in the time of drought and with every unforeseen event. Whatever comes your way - we got you.
Optimized fungicides application timing wheat
Averages all weather conditions
(2017-2022: 139 sites in BE, FR, DE, PL, UA, UK)
+28 €/ha
gross margin gain
use of fungicides
Extreme drought
(2020; 20 sites in DE, FR, PL, UA, UK)
+19 €/ha
gross margin gain
use of fungicides
Variable rate application maps wheat
Averages all weather conditions
(2019-2021: 98 sites in DE, FR, UK, UA)
+27 €/ha
gross margin gain
use of fungicides
yield increase
Extreme drought
(2020; 21 sites in D, F, UA, UK)
+20 €/ha
gross margin gain
use of fungicides
yield increase
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What farmers across the globe say about us

Alexander Wiesner
HEALTHY FIELDS makes my workdays more relaxed, and allows me to concentrate on other tasks without missing anything important.

Aurel Hagen
Stralsund, Germany
Sustainable agriculture is demanded by society. xarvio CONNECT helps us to do this – the device is innovative and self-explanatory! It’s not only fun, but also really benefits the farm.