The fastest connection between xarvio FIELD MANAGER and the machines.
Create, update and transfer variable application maps from xarvio FIELD MANAGER with xarvio CONNECT. Wireless link between xarvio FIELD MANAGER and terminal tracks your activity and transfers data (application, seeding, harvest) from the machines automatically in no time.
xarvio CONNECT provides fast, secure and seamless data exchange with machinery terminals, making it easier than ever to use application maps with variable rates.
Easy to use, greater convenience and full documentation
Extremely simple to use: field zone-specific application maps
One hardware solution for a wide range of machines: from seed drills and sprayers to combine harvesters
100% transparency: tracking and documenting application quality & efficiency
Simple, wireless, two-way data transfer: designed to evaluate and optimize plant production
Direct connection to xarvio FIELD MANAGER & HEALTHY FIELDS
Pre-season, within season, and post-season technical & agronomic support: xarvio is always there to help
Automatic as-applied data capturing: data is collected in real time and without user interaction
Intended for Farmers who:
- want to use prescription maps (seeding, spreading, spraying),
- want to have a digital documentation of all the work that was done on the field,
- want to have yield maps from harvester,
- have machines that have no telemetry support from the manufacturer (especially older machines),
- have a mixed fleet but want to connect all their machines to one platform.
Create variable application maps, send maps to your terminal Analyse received as-applied maps and improve your efficiency for further tasks.
2. Map transfer
Map transfer is wireless (via mobile network) in real time.
3. On your machine
Data can be used immediately for your current application task.
4. After work
As-applied, seeding and yield maps are automatically sent back to xarvio FIELD MANAGER.